GLP实验室成立于2011年,是本中心/公司按照OECD Principles on Good Laboratory Practice和NY/T 1386—2007《农药理化分析良好实验室规范准则》建立的试验机构,拥有一批高素质技术人才,具备一流和全面充足的分析仪器和设备,在GLP准则管理下,为企业提供化学品和农药理化性质检测、REACH检测,农药全组份分析等业务。
Established in 2011, GLP Analysis Department undertakes analysis of five batches profile of pesticides, determination of physico-chemical properties of chemicals and pesticides, and testing of REACH, etc. Ever since its birth, the depertment have been running completely according to “OECD Principles on Good Laboratory Practice” and "Principles of GLP for Pesticide Physical-chemical Testing(NY/T1386-2007)", and trying to build itself into an advanced, top-level laboratory relying on its well-qualified research personnel and advanced apparatus/equipments.
1)五批次全组份分析 Analysis for 5 batches:
- 有效成分active ingredient;
- 含量大于0.1%的显著杂质significant impurities present at/more than 0.1%;
- 相关杂质 relevant impurities;
- 残留溶剂 residual solvent;
- 水分 water/moisture;
- 无机盐类inorganic salts;
- 固体不溶物solid insoluble material
- 灼烧残留(灰分)Residue on ignition(Ash content)
2)杂质筛选剖析、定性鉴定 Screening, profiling and identification of impurities
3)杂质标样的制备和定值 Preparation and certification of impurity standards
4)产品质量控制 Quality control
5)理化性质测定 Determination of physical-chemical properties: